Monday, April 28, 2008

“Bandit” by Karen Rostoker-Gruber

Poor Bandit! His couch is being moved. His toy basket, fuzzy mouse, blanket, and bed are gone. So is his litter box, food bowl, and tuna. Then his owner carries him to the car. What’s happening? Is he going to the vet, or on vacation, or … is he moving? Really cute story.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Maximum Ride School's Out - Forever

Meet Max, Fang, Iggy, Gasman, Nudge and Angel,six absolutely unforgettable kids with some major problems. THEY'RE BEING HUNTED BY KILLERS. BUT WHO? It's even worse than that. Max is sure that a microchip has been inserted under her skin--leading freakish forces of evil to ambush them at any moment. She and others are suposed to save the world. FROM WHAT? WHEN ? AND HOW? Max will stop at nothing to find answers. One thing she does know: it's got something to do with an astonishing ability they have that no others can claim.THEY CAN FLY. Max's heart-stopping quest to protect her " family," and investigate the mind-blowing mystery of her ultimate destiny continues in the scariest, strangest, and funniest James Patterson thriller yet.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Little Tiny Teeth by Aaron Elkins

Aaron Elkins' Gideon Oliver forensic mysteries employ an old device - the closed room mystery - with fresh settings and interesting characters. Oliver is known as "The Bone Detective," a man who can discern a world of information from old bones. He travels extensively, and usually manages to stumble upon a murder in some exotic location.

In "Tiny Little Teeth" the location is a boat in the Amazon jungle. With a limited number of suspects and no way to add or subtract from them, Oliver is faced with a perplexing series of events, including disappearances, reappearances, and pirhana-chewed bodies. If you enjoy classic mysteries combined with unique locales, you will enjoy this and the other of the Gideon Oliver series.

Raymond Ranier

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen

Cole Matthews is filled with anger, rage and hate. He has been lying and stealing for years, This time all of his rage and anger comes out in a vicious attack on Peter Driscal, which leaves Peter with possible brain damage. Is there any hope for Cole? Cole is offered his choice of jail or Circle Justice, a Native American system based on the tradition that tries to provide healing for the criminal offender, the victim and the community. Cole has been conning the legal system for years. Can he fool the Circle Justice council into giving him one more chance? Read the story and find out.